news UG faculty
Team “Synthesizer” under mentorship of Prof. Sheikh Anowarul Fattah, became the Champion in IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2022.
This year, the team competed against 23 teams from across 12 countries, namely the USA, India, Israel, Iran, China, South Korea, Finland, Italy, Poland, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.
Team members were L3-T2 BUET students, two from EEE department (Awsaf and Bishmoy) and two from CSE department (Najib and Zaber) and Prof. Fattah served as a Supervisor.
The competition topic was: “a forensic challenge related to synthetic speech attribution” and a deep learning-driven signal processing approach was proposed. In the final round, we outranked 2nd and 3rd position winners with over 10% accuracy difference and the judges praised a lot about the novelty of our algorithm.
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